We are deeply sorry to relate to you that Education Ecosystem website is experiencing Django backend issues currently.

24 Nov 2022, 16:19
We are deeply sorry to relate to you that Education Ecosystem website is experiencing Django backend issues currently. We are working on fixing these Django API backend issues. Kindly bear with us while we fix this up. Thanks

Same news in other sources

24 Nov 2022, 16:21
We are deeply sorry to relate to you that Education Ecosystem website is experiencing Django backend issues currently. We are working on fixing these Django API backend issues. Kindly bear with us while we fix this up. Thanks
We are deeply sorry to relate to you that Education Ecosystem website is experiencing Django backend issues currently.
We are deeply sorry to relate to you that Education Ecosystem website is experiencing Django backend issues currently. We are working on fixing these Django API backend issues. Kindly bear with us while we fix this up. Thanks